Datapost is the combination of specialized services, be helpful for the businesses to deliver the large amount of information to their customers by some common communication channels such as post mail, e-mail or brandname SMS.
Products & Services
Data printing
This is one of the core-services which is expressing the specialization of Datapost. Millions pages of information are printed by laser method. Laser printed with one or two pages suitable for each business’s purpose such as Telecommunication Charges, Composite Statement, Advice, Trade Loan, Bank Collection, etc.
View detailsMail inserting
With specialized devices and high speed folding machines, thousands of pages after being printed will be fold and insert into the envelopes, especially with multiple pages capacity in one envelope.
View detailsEnvelope Producing
Envelopes are produced in an enclosed production chain with specialized machines in order to ensure the production of high quality envelopes with high homogeneous outputs. Furthermore, envelope producing machines with multiple options be able to satisfy different needs of our customers. Many kinds of envelopes with different styles such as standard envelope with window, envelope with glue, double side tape, big-size envelope, etc.
View detailsEmail, SMS marketing
Data after processing (from raw data to formatted data that can print or mail) is organized and stored in storage capacity (can be download by customers).
View detailsForm Printing
It is a service to print all types of office publications such as: title paper, invoices, advertising publications such as brochures, manuals, ... and other publications such as decal labels, tickets .....
View detailsPost & Delivery
It is the services of VNPost, mail delivery, documents, goods from the sender to the recipient in the country and countries around the world…..
View detailsTechnology & Solutions
A laser printer (a laser printer) is a popular printer capable of printing high-quality, high-quality documents on plain paper.
This is the first one of the most important steps in the whole production process to create perfect envelopes. Implementing good data processing will bring to the following significant efficiencies:
The outstanding dominance of folding machine versus handcraft folding is easy to realize when we process with thousands of envelopes.
With the trend of globalization, Datapost business strategy was built base on the fundamental of international standards: